Main Features
- Responsive Design
- custom post type and taxonomy support
- homepage widget page builder
- 5 sidebar areas
- 12 Widget packed with options
- Theme option with a lot of options
- 2 Different blog layouts: left/right widget
- Custom color, background header, footer … etc
- Property Advanced search form
- Custom Logo, favicon, CSS and JS
- Custsom Post Type and taxonomy slug
- Compatible With Woocommerce
- WordPress Menu Support
- Translation Ready
- rtl language support.
Update Changelog
V1.4Added: Automatic update functionality through your Purchase Code and Personal Token key.Added: Gmap marker and language options.Updated: TGM-Plugin-Activation 2.5.2Fixed: A few minor cssRemoved: Prime Strategy Page Navi plugin.Improved the pagination.
Version: 1.3.2Fixed: Property Equal height.
V1.3.1Updated: TGM-Plugin-Activation 2.4.1Fixed: Few minor CSS issues
V1.3Fixed: Propery searchRemoved: Redux framework folder, you would need to install Redux as the notification.Updated: Documentation.New: WP 4.1.1 compatible.
V1.3.1.1Updated: TGM-Plugin-Activation 2.5
V1.0.2.1Changelogs: Fixed: Property search widget.
V1.0.2Changelogs:- Fixed: Broken contact form style.- Updated: Redux Updated: How to add the Contact Form ( Send An Enquiry form ) in the documentation.- Updated: Po language file.- Added: Theme Upgrade automatic, you should provide the Themeforest username and API key in Theme Options/Update.
V1.0.1Changelogs- Fixed: The Left/Right slider button RTL language.- Fixed: Taxonomy empty content property.- Fixed: add "None" option in the Property featured.
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