Interstellar – A Multipurpose Wordpress Theme
multipurpose Wordpress theme with a powereful admin panel, shortcode generator, woocommerce and bbpress compatible and more.
A Quick Video Guide to installation and Dummy content
Other Features
- Choose between Over 600 Google Fonts for headers and paragraphs easily from the theme options.
- Dummy Content Available to help you start creating pages and content.
- Integrated With Contact Form 7 for easy contact forms creation.
- Easily Choose Number of Footer Columns Throught The Admin Panel.
- Tons of Vector Icons Available at the short code generator with options to add a circle or square backgrounds and colors.
- Parallax Backgrounds with sooth scrolling.
- Integrated With ZillaLikes Plugin.
- Animation of blocks when appearing on viewport.
- Portfolio and Slider Custom Post Types.
- Ajax Search.
- Easy Page Header Customization with metaboxes, choose between an interstellar header, image header with parallax effect or no header.
- Infinite portfolio columns.
- Bulid your own shop with woocommerce, with a beautifully styles integration with the theme.
- Create a forum using bbpress with an amazing styling to match the theme.
- Page Templates
- Blank.
- Blank With Sidebar.
- Blank With Slider.
- Blog.
- Portfolio.
- Contact.
- Theme Options: General, Styling, Header, Footer, Portfolio, Forum, Shop, Blog, Contact and 404 options.
- Shortcodes Generator: Sections, Rows, Columns, Typography, Lists, Buttons, Alerts, Icons, Progress Bars, Tabs & Accordions, Sliders, Tweets Slider, Team Member, Testimonials, Animated Lists, Icon Items, Recent Portfolio and Blog Items.
- List Effects
- jQuery Easing Plugin
- jQuery Background Position
- Fitvids
- Instafeed
- Twitter Fetcher
- Fontello
- multi level slide accordion menu with jQuery
- bxSlider
- nicescroll
- Easy Responsive Tabs
- Isotope
Change Log
Thank you 
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